Integrated Energy Work

ENERGY. Everything is Energy! Quantum physics proves our body, planet and universe is energy. This is exciting! For centuries, healing was accomplished with herbs, oils and ‘moving energy.’ The Chinese wrote about the ‘energy centers’ within and our energetic connection to both heaven and earth. It is this foundational energy that fuels our body organs and systems. Further, every thought, word is energy. We have the ability to optimize our health with energy. Why not USE IT routinely to craft the life we want? We re-charge our cell phones each night, yes? How often do we RECHARGE OURSELVES? We often take better care of our car, then our ‘life-long car’ (body), yes? Let’s CHANGE THIS!

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WELCOME, I’m Paula powers.

A recent client exclaimed, as I relaxed her neck and shoulders, “I LOVE coming here!” Hmmm, really? “Yes, I have a new car, next week I start a new job, my relationship with my significant other has improved and nothing seems to rattle me, I’m feeling more peace. This all seems like…….magic?” No, it’s Energy Work! By releasing old trauma, buried emotions and patterns we remove the old. Then, cleansing and recharging the bio-electric body returns it to Divine function as new energy pours in. We are positively charged (pun intended!) and forever changed.

A bladder ‘waking up’ to function normally avoiding a permanent urostomy? Yes, the MD called it a ‘miracle.’ Energy Work. A client with post-heart surgery pain lulled to sleep, grateful. Energy Work. An adult with severe kidney stone pain with resolved pain who peed out the kidney stone two mornings later? Energy Work. A young woman with missed menses due to anorexia called to ask if a ‘cycle resuming’ was normal post-session? Energy Work. Grief lifted. Post-Covid lungs healed. Lives changed. Energy Work.

When you are ready for CHANGE, I welcome the opportunity to share ENERGY WORK with you.

Blockage in any part of the energy system can cause pain, illness and, if untreated, disease. Energy work will restore energy flow, alleviate pain, decrease stress, and improve overall function.

Integrated Energy Work with Paula includes Healing Touch, Acupressure, Aromatherapy and energy traditions used successfully over centuries to optimize health. These modalities are designed to help the client release physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual blockages that result in a physical or emotional condition. As the body and mind releases these blockages, the energy system is revitalized, regaining Divine harmony and funciton. Energy work addresses issues with the internal self, healing wounds, changing belief systems and relationships, and reshaping energy patterns. “Out with the old, In with the New!”
